Potatoes with cheese


  • small potatoes
  • half-and-half
  • salt
  • garlic powder
  • Parmesan cheese
  • mozzarella cheese
  • chopped dill (optional)


Wash the small potatoes very well. If you can, try to find the organic ones, since they are healthier.

Cut each potato in half. You can use the regular potatoes, but you need to cut them in smaller pieces.

Grease a baking pan with butter. Put the potatoes in the pan. Add some salt and garlic powder, and mix. Cover half way through with half and half. Add some shredded Parmesan cheese on top (maybe around 3 tbsp).

Cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake in a preheated oven at 400 F for 45 minutes.

Then remove the aluminum foil and add some shredded mozzarella cheese (maybe 4 tbsp).

Bake uncovered for 15 minutes.

Transfer the potatoes on a serving tray and drizzle some fresh chopped dill.

Serve those potatoes as a side to your favorite meat or a salad.


Baked potatoes


– small potatoes

– olive oil

– salt

– ground black pepper

– garlic powder

– fresh dill (optional)


Wash the small potatoes very well. If you can, try to find the organic ones, since they are healthier.

Cut each potato in half.

Put the cut potatoes in a baking pan. Add all the ingredients and mix well, so all the potatoes are seasoned.

Cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake in a preheated oven at 400 F for 60 minutes, shaking the pan half way.

Transfer the potatoes on a serving tray and drizzle some fresh chopped dill. I didn’t add in my potatoes this time, because I was out of dill. But i really like them with dill.

Serve those potatoes as a side to your favorite meat. We served them with lamb chops (recipe will be provided tomorrow).


Roasted potatoes

Roasted small potatoes with garlic and herbs sauce – easy and gluten free recipe that can be vegan.

I know this is not a keto recipe, but it’s my son’s favorite side for the grilled lamb we prepare for Orthodox Easter (April 24, 2022).

No oil potatoes and leeks soup

This is the soup that my mother usually cooks during the Orthodox lent (Christmas or Easter) and it’s one of my favorite soups ever. I love the version with the liquid/pickling water you get when you pickle cabbage. If you don’t know how to pickle cabbage, see this simple version that I posted on YouTube: https://youtu.be/7kqvTqUpuxM

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