My food on November 29

Breakfast: mac and cheese pudding + cozonac with soda

Lunch: roasted fingerling potatoes with garlic rosemary, and olive oil + turkey + red wine + feta cheese

Dinner: creamy turkey (with leftovers) + polenta

Snacks: lots of alcohol filled chocolate + sweet bread with pecans + pecan pie + grapefruit

Water, sodas, red wine, liquor, and sparkling water for today.

Gurmete out!

My food on November 28

Breakfast: cheese + cozonac with soda

Lunch: gluten free pasta with tomato sauce with turkey leftovers

Dinner: mac and cheese pudding

Snacks: lots of alcohol filled chocolate + sweet bread with pecans + pecan pie + grapefruit

Water, sodas, red wine, liquor, and sparkling water for today.

Gurmete out!

My food on November 23

Breakfast: cozonac + some nuts + cheese

Lunch: peas stew + meatloaf + one grapefruit

Dinner: polenta + fish

Snacks: mixed nuts + 1 small bag of chips + lots of popcorn

Water and sparkling water for today.

Gurmete out!