Simple polenta

This is something very simple to cook, but very delicious. I like it a lot, and before keto, I used to eat it in vegan days.

We usually eat it as a side, for any fish dish.

So, let’s start.


  • cornmeal – you can use any variation, from fine to medium grind. I usually use two kinds – one very fine grind, and one medium grind. I don’t measure the quantity, but it might be 2.5 cups combined.
  • salt – one teaspoon
  • water – maybe 1.5-2 liters.


Pour water into a pat, and put it on stove on medium heat. Add salt and cornmeal, and mix continuously until the mixture thickens – usually 5-7 minutes.

Put a boiling lid, and let in cook for 10 minutes or so.

If you think the corn is not cooked well, you can always add extra water, mix vigorously to incorporate all the new liquid. It’s fine if you add cold water, but it works faster if you add warm/hot water.

When you are happy with its consistency, transfer polenta into a serving bowl, and enjoy! Some people prefer it hot, others warm, or others plain cold. I personally like all polenta variations.
